Monday, August 6, 2007

Progress with Noah

Noah has made incredible progress. He only requires 2 treats to feed him now, as opposed to the many treats required in the past. When the bowls are brought over to the feeding station, he immediately moves to the other side of the cage. He does still move a little bit toward the food/water bowls when the food door is being open, but immediately reconsiders and waits for the treat from Brian. Also after the new bowls are put in his cage, he does not attack the food bowl. Now we must figure out how to feed with only one person. I have a number of ideas, but comments are appreciated.


Yesterday, we had NO screaming. What a treat..a totally peaceful day. Noah seems to be more relaxed and wanting to partake in any fun we are having. When I throw the ball to the dogs and they catch it, Noah lets out a wonderful Weeee sound. His happy call. It is really something to hear, just pure joy. Hopefully our progress will continue, and Noah will perch and be willing to be brought out of his cage.

1 comment:

Grump Les Tiltskin said...


I've got a parrot blog which is now linked to yours.

Wanna link to mine?

(I've got dozens of photos of wild parrots and wild parrotphernalia, but not one of a macaw yet!)

They're magnificent birds.